The North Dakota Coxes (Four of us left)

Some things simply matter more than others

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Back to school, haircuts, and stuff...

Mel and Suzie will punch me for this one, but it has to be posted; an old-fashioned ice cream truck,complete with silly music and everything,drove around our neighborhood all season long. It was their heart's desire to say goodbye to summer with a purchase. They bought their treats(not horribly expensive, actually), and sat in the mild sunshine to eat them and savor their last day of freedom...

...And then it was back to school! Can you tell Melanie is quite thrilled to be a senior? Early mornings and all, she was ready. Suzie, not so much, but 9th grade gets better day by day. (And Tim's part of this post is, well, minimal, but you'll see him easily if you look for him. At least part of him...)

I had to have some change too; so I scheduled weeks in advance so I wouldn't change my mind just for one good hair day (sound familiar to anyone?), and chopped this off. I planned on a big change, but my sweet haircut friend convinced me that, teaching gymnastics, I will still want to pull it up. Plus, I learned I have what the trade calls a "duck butt" -- essentially, a bad hairline on the back of my head - not the best feature for a short 'do.

So, I'm back to same old, same old, but I guess the old girl is comfortable with it - for now.

And what good would a blog post be without a Dakota du Nord Sunset? I acknowledge, this one is rather bland as our skies go, and it is a second or two late (my phone photo was perfect timing), but it was the purity of it that captured me. And though I have no photo to share, the moon,like a big, knowing eye and complemented by the jewel below it that is Mars, has captivated more than one night recently. No wonder I stay up late... I do love this place this time of year. ☺