The North Dakota Coxes (Four of us left)

Some things simply matter more than others

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

My Israeli Friends

This is Ilana and "Dillon" (he didn't spell his real name, so I don't remember it), two young Israelis I met in Nashville. They were adorable and thought the same of me (bizarre, ain't it), so Tim took our picture together.
(I think perhaps this one loaded because it was small. This game is seriously hampered by our dial-up, and my lack of skills in managing pictures/size.)


D/E G said...

So he said this one was Suzie. I guess we better get everyone here in the flesh, soon! :)

AJ said...

Are all Israeli men that good looking?

I guess if you're not looking to closely mom could pass for Suzie. Plus, Suzie is his favorite.

Alisa Frakes said...

I agree with AJ -- good thing our husbands never look at these blogs, eh? :) Em, we really need that kid to get to know us all. He sounds very confused...:)